The New Delhi National Company Law Tribunal has announced the required attire for the Tribunal President, Company Law Tribunal Members, Legal Practitioners, Company Secretaries(CS), Chartered Accountants(CA), Interim Resolution Professionals(IRPs), Resolution Professionals(RPs), Liquidators, and Parties in Person appearing before the NCLT.
For the esteemed individuals, the following dress code was mandated: –
(i) For the President and the Members:
(a) The President and Members shall be attired in long pants (White/Black, Black Striped, or Grey), National Dress, a white shirt and collar band, and a black coat or black coat
with a buttoned-up black coat.
(b) A sober-colored saree, national clothing, and collar band with a black coat/buttoned-up black coat are required for a female president or member’s attire.
(ii) For Legal Practitioners: The Bar Council of India Rules, as per Section 49(l)(gg) of the Advocates Act, 1961, provide a dress code for legal practitioners.
(iii) For Authorized Representatives: Each Authorized Representative, such as a Chartered Accountant, Company Secretary, or Cost Accountant, must dress professionally, if required by their respective codes of conduct. If no such dress code is required, a male member must don a sober-colored dress, a national dress with a coat that is buttoned up, or a coat and tie.
(a) A sober-colored saree or a formal national dress must be worn by female members. It’s not required to wear a suit or a buttoned coat.
(iv) For IRP/RP/Liquidator:
(a) For male members, the dress code requires a sober coloured dress or a National Dress, a suit, or a buttoned-up coat and tie. (a) For female members, a sober-colored saree or a traditional dress must be worn. It’s not required to wear a suit or a buttoned coat.
(v) For parties appearing in person: Parties appearing in person before the NCLT shall be properly attired in any appropriate national dress and in sober colour.
(vi) In order to uphold the Tribunal’s dignity and decorum, all parties are required to abide by the aforementioned rules. Additionally, “This issues with the approval of Hon’ble President, NCLT,” was written in the order that was signed by the NCLT Registrar.

The Central Government has constituted National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) under section 408 of the Companies Act, 2013 (18 of 2013) w.e.f. 01st June 2016. In the first phase the Ministry of Corporate Affairs has set up eleven Benches, one Principal Bench at New Delhi and ten other Benches at New Delhi, Ahmedabad, Allahabad, Bengaluru, Chandigarh, Chennai, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Kolkata and Mumbai. These Benches are headed by the President Chief Justice (Retd.) Ramalingam Sudhakar and comprises of sixteen Judicial Members and nine Technical Members at different locations. Subsequently, more Benches at Cuttack, Jaipur, Kochi, Amravati, and Indore have been setup and new members have joined”B
S.NO. | Title of Bench | Location | Jurisdiction |
1 | (a) NCLT, Principal Bench. (b) NCLT, New Delhi Bench. | Block No. 3, Ground Floor, 6th,7th & 8th Floor, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003 | (1) Union Territory of Delhi |
2 | NCLT Ahmedabad Bench. | 1st & 2nd Floor, Corporate Bhawan, Beside Zydus Hospital, Thaltej, Ahmedabad-380059 | (1) State of Gujarat(2) Union Territory of Dadra and Nagar Haveli(3) Union Territory of Daman and Diu |
3 | NCLT Allahabad Bench. | 6/7-B, Panna Lal Road, Prayagraj-211002 | (1) State of Uttar Pradesh(2) State of Uttrakhand |
4 | NCLT Amravati Bench. | Corporate Bhawan, Bandlaguda Tattiannaram Village, Hayatnagar Mandal, Rangareddy District,Hyderabad-500068 | (1) State of Andhra Pradesh |
5 | NCLT Bengaluru Bench. | Corporate Bhawan, 12th Floor, Raheja Towers, M.G., Road, Benguluru-560001 | (1) State of Karnataka |
6 | NCLT Chandigarh Bench. | Ground Floor, Corporate Bhawan, Sector-27 B, Madhya Marg, Chandigarh-160019 | (1) State of Himachal Pradesh(2) State of Jammu and Kashmir(3) State of Punjab(4) Union Territory of Chandigarh (5) State of Haryana |
7 | NCLT Chennai Bench. | Corporate Bhawan (UTI Building),3rd Floor,No. 29 Rajaji Salai,Chennai-600001 | (1) State of Tamil Nadu(2) Union Territory of Puducherry |
8 | NCLT Cuttack Bench. | Corporate Bhawan,CDA, Sector-1,Cuttack-753014 | (1) State of Chhattisgarh.(2) State of Odisha. |
9 | NCLT Guwahati Bench. | 4th Floor, Prithvi Planet Behind Hanuman Mandir, G.S. Road, Guahati-781007 | (1) State of Arunchal Pradesh(2) State of Assam(3) State of Manipur(4) State of Mizoram(5) State of Meghalaya(6) State of Nagaland(7) State of Sikkim(8) State of Tripura |
10 | NCLT Hyderabad Bench. | Corporate Bhawan, Bandlaguda Tattiannaram Village, Hayatnagar Mandal, Rangareddy District, Hyderabad-500068 | (1) State of Telangana |
11 | NCLT Indore Bench. | 1st & 2nd Floor, Corporate Bhawan, Beside Zydus Hospital, Thaltej, Ahmedabad-380059 | (1) State of Madhya Pradesh |
12 | NCLT Jaipur Bench. | Corporate Bhawan, Residency Area,Civil Lines,Jaipur-302001 | (1) State of Rajasthan. |
13 | NCLT Kochi Bench. | Company Law Bhawan, BMC Road, Thrikkakara -(PO) Kakkanand, Kochi-682021(Kerala) | (1) State of Kerala(2) Union Territory of Lakshadweep |
14 | NCLT Kolkata Bench. | 5, Esplanade Row (West), Town Hall Ground and 1st Floor Kolkata-700001 | (1) State of Bihar(2) State of Jharkhand(3) State of West Bengal(4) Union Territory of Andaman and Nicobar Island |
15 | NCLT Mumbai Bench. | 4th Floor, MTNL Exchange Building, Near G.D. Somani Memorial School, G.D.Somani Marg, Cuffe Parade, Mumbai-400005 | (1) State of Maharashtra(2) State of Goa |