Recently the Government of India has modified the relevant provisions, regulations by way of amendment in CSR policy related to CSR related duties and unspent corporate social responsibility unspent account.
The establishment of a CSR committee has been mandated by the government for businesses with any remaining funds in their CSR accounts. According to a formal announcement released by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, the government has made changes to the regulations governing corporate social responsibility (CSR) in order to achieve this.
According to the Companies Act of 2013, certain classes of profitable businesses must devote at least 2% of their average net profit over the previous three company years to CSR initiatives within a given financial year.
As per the CSR regulations, the company is obligated to deposit funds in a special bank account known as the “Unspent Corporate Social Responsibility Account” for any funds that are still owed on an ongoing project or any surplus that remains after CSR operations have been completed.
According to the revised laws, a business must now adhere to CSR-related duties, such as creating a CSR committee, as long as there is money in its Unspent Corporate Social Responsibility Account.
Prior to the change, the amount of impact assessments that may be used to fulfil a company’s CSR requirements was set at 5% of total CSR expenses or Rs. 50 lakh, whichever was less.
This restriction has now been raised to the greater of two percent or Rs. 50 lakh, which will allow businesses to conduct thorough impact assessments for large-scale CSR projects and account for the results toward their CSR duty.
A new structure for the annual report on CSR activities has also been announced by the government and will be included in the board’s report for the financial year beginning on or after April 2020.
According to the structure, the enterprises must provide an executive summary and online links to impact assessments of their completed CSR projects in order to be considered for membership on the CSR committee.
Additionally, it mandates that the companies in question disclose information regarding the CSR budget allocated to both current and non-ongoing projects.
Other obligations include, among others, disclosing the make-up of the CSR committee, the CSR policy, and the CSR projects that have been approved by the board on the company website.
Spending on CSR initiatives is required of businesses with a net worth of at least Rs. 500 crore, a minimum annual revenue of Rs. 1,000 crore, or a net profit of at least Rs. 5 crore.
Fines and Penalties for Failure to Comply
A company will be subject to a minimum fine of Rs 50,000 and a maximum fine of Rs 25 lakh if it violates the rules governing CSR spending, transferring, and using the unspent funds. Additionally, any officer of such a company who fails to comply will be subject to a punishment that includes both both imprisonment for a time that may not exceed three years and a minimum fine of Rs 50,000 that may not exceed Rs 5 lakh.
Which activities are not acceptable under CSR activities?
The Companies (CSR Policy) Rules, 2014’s Rule 2(1)(d) defines CSR and lists the following acts as being ineligible for CSR activity:
* Activities undertaken in pursuance of the normal course of business of the company.
* Activities undertaken outside India, except for training of Indian sports personnel representing any state/UT at the national level or India at the international level \s
* Contribution of any amount, indirectly or directly, to any political party